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Cadets of The NDU of The ROC interviewed The United States military institute
By Zhuang, Bo-Yao
During the summer vacation, t e n s t u d e n t s o f Na t i o n a l Defense University visited f o u r m i l i t a r y s c h o o l s i n t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a , i n c l u d i n g t h e Virginia Military Institute, Citadel, Norwich, and North Georgia University. All of the semilitary institute shave a longhi story and have different disciplines, colors of representing, and architectural styles. Chen, Xin- Xun, the student of the Fu Shing Kang College said “It’s a great opportunity, make me expand my vision and make some new foreign friends.Most importantly, having the chance to see other military schools will be beneficial to me when I back to the school or graduated to become an officer. “
【記者/ 莊博堯】 今年暑假期間,來自國防大學三個基礎學院共10 位學生,代表本校赴美國軍校參訪,合計走訪了包含維吉尼亞、色岱爾、威爾猛及北喬治亞等4 所軍事院校。每所軍校都具有悠久的歷史意涵,也各有不同的管理方式、象徵顏色及建築特色等。代表政戰學院赴美參訪的陳新郇同學表示:「這是個難得的機會,讓我增廣見聞,也結交了許多國際友人,更重要的是,相信這次經驗對於未來在學校,或是下部隊服務都非常有益處。
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