Ou Han-Wen, a senior student of the Department of Psychology and Social Work of the college, was selected as a 108-year outstanding young national college student and attended the "108 National College Excellent Youth Recognition Conference" from the 29th to the Jiantan Youth Activity Center. The preparatory committee for the Youth Festival is based on the theme of “Youth is not stopping, building a dream together”. It is expected that each selected young person will contribute to the society and uphold the spirit of dedication for the country.
Han was born in a military family and was influenced by his parents. Han decided to join the military and enter the Chung Ching Armed Forces Preparatory school. During the school, the course score was ranked as the top, and the leadership cadres were trained to develop leadership skills. After entering the Fu Hsing Kang College, Han not only made more progress in the core-assisted profession, but also hosted major events on several occasions. As the director of the internship brigade of the F.H.K, he actively promoted student affairs, and the planning activities achieved good results, which was highly recognized by the governors and classmates.
It's honored to be awarded this award, also grateful to all the friends who have cultivated and supported him, class by mates and the officers, in order to have the opportunity to represent this school. Also hope that can contribute the future in the military career and feedback to the society and become the new pillars of the country.
▲Ou Han-wen go on the stage to receive the award.
▲The photo of outstanding young national college student